Friday, January 18, 2013

Rafey Baby Turns 1!

Here's about a million pictures of our "Big Chubby" Rafe... Who I guess isn't really a baby anymore! He's the sweetest, most relaxed little guy I know. He's been so fun to have in our home. He puts up with his big brother always knocking him over, climbing on top of him, and stealing his toys;) Damon really is sweet, just not all the time! Rafe is a good sleeper, a good eater, and has the cutest laugh. Here's some of the things he loves:
Making funny noises with his mouth
silky things
Mickey Mouse
Peek a boo
Anything that makes noise
Toilets...not my favorite
His little Trike 
taking pictures
(Sorry these aren't in order! I'm not that cool)




We love our Rafey Boy! I can't believe he's already one! He is so much fun and is such a goofy boy! I'm so excited to see the changes in him this year! 
Happy Birthday Rafe William!!