Monday, August 8, 2016

Summer catch up part 2

I love dressing my boys for church. All the moving around we have been doing really makes it hard to settle into a ward. So the boys are loving their church classes and all their new friends. But it seems like every week when I go to get them dressed they have outgrown their clothes! I still have tags on some so I'm gonna have to go exchange them! They need new shoes and pants and another church shirt. And Jag is just as bad! I'll pull something out for him and he has to squeeze into it just so he can wear it once to justify me keeping ALL my boys clothes. Dan hates that we've been toting them around all these years. It's saved us tons of money re using them but we have had them all in different seasons so it's been hard matching them up. But I love putting Jag in things both his other brothers have worn. 
Damon and Rafe spend all day every day together. They are best buddies and I know Rafe is going to have a hard time when Damon goes back to school in a few weeks. I feel like they are so bored with me all day every day. I try to do at least one fun thing with them every day. Playing a game or playdoe or the park or whatever else they really want to do. Damon is my child of "what's next. What else" and nothing is ever good enough. He always wants more. Rafe is more go with the flow but can still be needy. Damon loves to be right where I am and doing whatever I'm doing. So I feelu Kurt sometimes because I constantly feel like I am pushing Damon off. Telling him to go outside or downstairs. He can't entertain himself and it's exhausting feeling like I always have to do it. Especially while trying to keep up with the baby and house and laundry and all that. Soooo I'm kinda excited for school to start. He had too much energy and I know school will zap that haha.
I have been feeling a little burned out and run down the last little bit so my sweet hubs scheduled a couples massage. It's been years since we've done that. It was SO nice, just 2 hours short haha:) but I seriously appreciate this man and how hard he works for us. He recently got a promotion at work and he never wants me to give him a shout out and let the world know how awesome he is, He gets embarrassed but he has been working so hard. And lots of nights I don't even see him until 7/7:30. But he just accepted a job as the CEO at Netmark and I am so dang proud of him. 
This little baby is 9 months old. He just got his fourth tooth and is a crawling machine. He loves to pull himself up on everything, loves real food, is growing out of his dairy allergy, and is starting to sleep well, finally! He had a bad regression so he's only slept through the night a handful of times. But he's getting better!! The separation anxiety has been REAL though. My goodness this kid is sooooo sweet but is wearing me down. He's a full time job by himself. 
Damon lost his 3 tooth yesterday. He gets pretty nervous about this stuff and hated when I try to wiggle his loose teeth so I was nervous for this moment. But he just came to Dan and was like "Dad my tooth is loose will you pull it?" We were shocked. He pulled his other two himself, so we were surprised he asked for someone else to do it. He was so brave. 

It's crazy sometimes that these three are mine. When I see them out playing or just out in public it's weird to stop and think that they are mine, I'm their mom and responsible for them. I still feel like they should be babies. But seeing them grow up and learn new things and become independent is nice! 

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